We at BIZINTER CO.LTD, Thailand are proud to partner with GROWMORE BIOTECH LTD., and Dr. N.Barathi for the promotion of BEEMA Bamboo cultivation in Thailand and countries around. Demonstration project covering 50 acres of BEEMA Bamboo plantation is underway in Wang Nam Khiao District Nakhon Rachashima 30370 Thailand. We trust this model plantation will help prospective Bamboo farmers and plantation investors to observe the process and development of BEEMA as a lucrative option.

BEEMA BAMBOO is a superior clone, selected from Bambusa balcooa, a higher Biomass yielding Bamboo species. Dr. N. Barathi, Growmore Biotech has researched and developed a Fast-Growing High yielding "Beema Bamboo". This clone is thorn less, sterile, superior bamboo. Tissue cultured Beema Bamboo is identical, homogeneous, and free from pest and disease, vigorous and superior clone. It can grow in the field for more than hundred years with no need for replanting. It yields higher Biomass if managed by following the Silvicultural methods, Irrigation practices and Fertilizer requirement schedule as prescribed by Growmore Biotech Ltd.

Our current Agro-project is that of a large-scale Bamboo plantation with various facilities under consideration for its cultivation, including a Biotech lab for plant tissue culture. In addition to this, the versatility of agricultural sites have provided us with an opportunity to look into other areas, namely in animal husbandry with 10 acres set aside for Goat farming on the plantation. We plan on rearing Local Breeds, Cross Breeds as well as specific Boer breeds of goat. We also welcome prospective partners keen on working in conjunction with us to enter these industries together.


Bamboo have the highest planting volume and plant life-span. Because of this characteristic of Bamboo, return on investment becomes highest from the Bamboo plantation compared to any other plant whether it be any kind of tree or grass. The life span of this particular Tissue cultured Bamboo (BEEMA BAMBOO) is 100 years. Meaning the farmers can take benefit of cutting harvest on yearly basis without having to replant for up to 100 years. Thus, this plant has multi utility including, Furniture, Charcoal, Chopsticks, Construction, Toys, Alcohol, Ethanol, Food, Fuel etc. creating huge marketability prospects for the farmers or plantation investors.

Burning bamboo as fuel for biomass power plans is the lowest utilization of bamboo.

But creating benefits This is mainly to promote bamboo to have the highest planting volume for this purpose. Large quantity This has gradually expanded the effect of creating added value from this large supply of raw materials.To generate income from the production of new products.

Special Characters of Beema Bamboo
Beema Bamboo is NOT a product of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), the clone was developed from Naturally Occurred Half Sibs which was derived out of Open Pollinated Population. The selected clones were further purified by selective breeding and the Superior Characters are fixed by Asexual Propagation through Micro Propagation in a Tissue Culture Lab.

Beema bamboo is sympodial bamboo with the clump forming rhizome (but the monopodial bamboo is invasive by rhizome) and new culms only grows around the mother shoot. Hence, Beema Bamboo is a non-invasive clumping variety. The species Beema bamboo is sterile because of its aneuploid nature with 2N chromosomal number of 70, instead of regular chromosome numbers of 2n=72. Since the bamboo is sterile, they do not produce any seed and through seed it will not become invasive. Since it is sterile, the bamboo does not die for several hundred years and keeps growing without death. This means the bamboo forms permanent green cover.

Unlike most bamboos, tissue cultured Beema Bamboo culms grow nearly solid and adapt to various soil and climate conditions. After every harvest cycle, it regrows and does not require replanting for decades.
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant with wide variation in species and product manufacturing. It occurs in many parts of the world as wild. Research in bamboo and field trials at Growmore Biotech Ltd let to the domestication of bamboo as a valuable crop plant for wide range of application, starting from energy generation, environmental cleaning, carbon sequestration, product manufacturing.

It is one of the best commercial plantations either as a pure crop or mixed crop for the farmers to generate additional income from land that are not suitable for regular agriculture.

It's rhizome and root development provide a strong foundation, making the plant robust against natural forces and serves as simple and cost-effective solution for global warming.

It is one of the best commercial plantations either as a pure crop or mixed crop for the farmers to generate additional income from land that are not suitable for regular agriculture.

In the last decade, the awareness of bamboo has increased and opening up opportunity for several large-scale industries to use bamboo as a raw material.
Comparison Between BEEMA & Native Bamboo

Bambusa Balcooa, Tissue cultured - also known as Beema Bamboo
Unlike most bamboos, our tissue cultured Bambusa balcooa culms grow nearly solid - without genetic engineering.

It is a tropical variety, preferring a humid environment. Yet it is able to adapt to various soil and climate conditions. Only moderate biological fertilization is required. After every harvest cycle, it regrows and does not require replanting for decades.

Its certified high energy value (4500 kcal/kg) and low ash content make it an outstanding biomass feedstock for energy generation.